Throughout history, the female body has been a lot of things.
Painted, sculpted, sacred, scandalous, celebrated, commodified, empowered, loved, and so much more.
What it hasn’t been is properly studied.
Painted, sculpted, sacred, scandalous, celebrated, commodified, empowered, loved, and so much more.
What it hasn’t been is properly studied.
Women and people with vaginas weren’t required to be included in U.S. clinical trials until 1993.
We’re more likely to be ignored in the ER and at the doctor’s office.
It takes us 4 years longer than men to receive a diagnosis for the same disease.
We’re here to change that. And when we say we, we mean you too.
We’re more likely to be ignored in the ER and at the doctor’s office.
It takes us 4 years longer than men to receive a diagnosis for the same disease.
We’re here to change that. And when we say we, we mean you too.

With a simple swab, you’re not only taking control of your own health but improving research and treatment options for women and people with vaginas everywhere.
And that’s just the start.
And that’s just the start.