If you’ve landed here, it’s likely because you think you have a yeast infection. Good news: you’ve come to the right place.

Even though it’s easy to go to the pharmacy and pick up over-the-counter antifungal or vaginal itch relief cream, it’s important to test before you treat it because there are many other vaginal conditions that share similar symptoms. In fact, 69% of people who self-diagnose a yeast infection don't have one! 

Less good news: your vagina is probably feeling pretty uncomfortable—we know it’s the worst and we are so sorry you’re going through it! 

Here’s some advice from our vaginal health experts on what to do next: 

1. Call your OB-GYN 

Going to the doctor can be time-consuming and expensive. But when you have vaginal symptoms (especially for the first time) it’s worth it to go in, get an exam, and ask for a test. Most doctors will carry PCR tests that check for the presence of the fungi Candida albicans, the culprit behind up to 90% of yeast infections.  If you have recurrent infections, ask your doctor for a test that tests for multiple species of Candida such as Candida glabrata (C. glabrata), which is responsible for around 5% of cases, plus C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, and C. krusei. 

Yeast infections will often cause redness and irritation in and around your vagina. Your doctor will be able to see this during a pelvic exam, which will help them determine if they think that’s what’s going on. Getting tested for (and confirming) the presence of yeast will also help you avoid wasting money on unnecessary over-the-counter treatments, which can sometimes even worsen symptoms!

PCR results take 1-3 days, but we know firsthand how uncomfortable the symptoms of a yeast infection can be, so ask your doctor what you can do for temporary relief (such as hydrocortisone ointment) if you need a solution sooner than your prescription can be filled. 

2. Get yourself a vaginal microbiome test 

Before or after you’re done making your appointment, do yourself (and your vagina) a favor by ordering a vaginal microbiome test, like Evvy’s, so you know exactly what’s up down there while you’re having symptoms. 

Many of the symptoms associated with a yeast infection: burning, itching, inflammation, discharge, and pain with sex and urination overlap with those of other vaginal conditions such as: 

For this reason, vaginal symptoms (and what’s triggering them) can turn into a multi-season mystery show faster than you can say “vulva.”  

Unlike a Google search of “What does a yeast infection feel like” that leaves you guessing or a PCR test, which only looks for the presence of select microbes, an Evvy test will tell you all of the types of bacteria and fungi in your vaginal microbiome, and their relative amounts. Knowing this information can help you and your doctor make a plan for maintaining vaginal health that feels good for you and your body.

After you get your Evvy results…. 

First, meet your microbiome! Every Evvy test comes with results that offer a detailed breakdown of the microbes in your vagina in addition to the research and any health outcomes associated with them. 

Then, take a look at your custom vaginal health plan. It will suggest personalized next steps you can take (like promoting protective bacteria and reducing disruptive bacteria) to ensure your vagina is in its optimal state. 

Finally, book a free, 20-minute coaching call with one of our vaginal health experts. We know how easy it can be to feel alone when something is up down there. An informed and empathetic ear goes a long way, and we’re here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through your vaginal health journey—sans gaslighting. 

P.S.: If you end up feeling like you want a little extra support, you can join our exclusive online Evvy Support Community (it’s free!), and chat with hundreds of other people who are dealing with or have dealt with vaginal health issues. 

Recurrent symptoms? Meet Evvy's at-home vaginal microbiome test, approved by leading OB-GYNs.
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