Your vaginal microbiome plays an essential role in your overall well-being, and maintaining a healthy pH balance is a big part of that. A properly balanced vaginal pH helps protect against infections and keeps your reproductive system functioning as it should. But what happens when things feel off? Don’t worry — it’s common to experience an imbalance, and there are effective, science-backed ways to restore it.
In this article, we’ll explore what vaginal pH is, why it matters, and eight proven ways to restore pH balance safely (with help from Evvy).
What is vaginal pH and why does it matter?
The term “pH” measures how acidic or alkaline something is on a scale of one to 14, with seven being neutral. A healthy vaginal pH typically falls between 3.8 and 4.5, meaning it’s slightly acidic. This acidic environment helps maintain a thriving ecosystem of good bacteria, primarily Lactobacillus species, which play a protective role by producing lactic acid and other compounds that fend off unhealthy bacteria and other harmful pathogens.
When your vaginal pH becomes too high (less acidic), it can disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria, making you more prone to imbalances like bacterial vaginosis (BV) or a vaginal yeast infection. Signs of an imbalanced microbiome — known as vaginal dysbiosis — include:
- Unusual vaginal discharge: thin, frothy, gray, or green vaginal discharge could be a sign of a bacterial infection. White and thick discharge could be a symptom of a yeast infection.
- Vaginal odor: While a healthy vagina is definitely not odorless, a stronger-than-usual, foul, or fishy vaginal odor is a telltale sign of dysbiosis (especially if it gets worse after having sex).
- Itching or irritation: Discomfort of any kind could be a sign of a pH imbalance.
What causes a vaginal pH imbalance?
Understanding the cause of your pH imbalance is the first step in restoring it. Several factors can disrupt your vaginal pH, including:
- Sexual activity: Sex (especially unprotected sex) can throw off your pH. Semen has a higher pH, which can temporarily raise your pH levels. Additionally, flavored condoms, lube, or spermicides can affect the vaginal flora.
- Hormonal changes: Your menstrual cycle, menopause, or pregnancy can alter your vaginal environment.
- Douching: Douching can wash away good bacteria and upset your vaginal pH balance.
Antibiotics: These medications can kill good bacteria (along with the bad), allowing other harmful bacteria or yeast to take over.

How to fix your pH balance
We want to manage your expectations, so know that you won't fix your pH balance overnight. But don't fret — below are some science-backed ways to restore your vaginal flora and bring it back to optimal health.
Address underlying infections
The first step is to rule out — or treat — any existing vaginal infections. If you’re experiencing persistent symptoms like unusual discharge, itching, or odor, it’s important to see a healthcare provider.
Infections like bacterial vaginosis or vaginal yeast infection may require prescription treatment such as antibiotics or antifungals, depending on the cause.
Ditch the douche
Despite what decades of marketing have led us to believe, vaginas don’t need to be cleaned. Douching and scented soaps can disrupt your vaginal pH balance by washing away beneficial bacteria or introducing irritants.
Not only is douching ineffective, but several studies link douching with an increased risk of bacterial vaginosis, contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and even developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
When it comes to vulvar and vaginal hygiene, less is more. Instead of using feminine hygiene products that promise to keep you “fresh”, clean your vulva gently with warm water. On days when you feel water won’t cut it, opt for pH-balanced, unscented soap.
Consider taking probiotics
The science behind vaginal probiotics is still evolving, but there is some evidence that probiotics can help restore and maintain the natural flora of your vagina (in some people). Studies have shown that Lactobacillus probiotics, taken orally or applied vaginally, can help lower vaginal pH levels and improve symptoms of bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection.
A 2019 meta-analysis found that probiotics containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus reuteri effectively reduced vaginal infections and improved pH balance. That said, not everyone will need a probiotic. Taking an Evvy Vaginal Health Test is a helpful first step in figuring out if your vaginal microbiome could benefit from probiotic supplements.
Remember that not all probiotics are created equal — as dietary supplements, they’re largely unregulated. Look for probiotic supplements specifically formulated for vaginal health.
Practice safe sex
Engaging in sexual activity can have a big impact on your pH levels and overall vaginal health. Semen is slightly alkaline (with a pH around 7 to 8), so when it enters the vagina during unprotected sex, it can temporarily raise the vaginal pH. While your body usually has a way of restoring balance, frequent changes can create a more welcoming environment for harmful bacteria, which might lead to issues like bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections.
Additionally, the physical friction from sex can sometimes cause tiny tears in the vaginal tissue, which might allow certain bacteria to enter and can make it difficult for your body to maintain its natural balance.
The types of products you choose to use during sex can also influence your vaginal environment. Flavored condoms and certain lubricants may have sugars or artificial ingredients that can disrupt the delicate vaginal microbiome. Sugars, in particular, can encourage yeast growth, which could lead to infections. Moreover, lubricants containing glycerin or parabens might irritate sensitive tissues, increasing the risk of a pH imbalance.
To keep your vaginal pH balanced if you're sexually active, use pH-friendly lubricants and condoms. Look for those that are labeled as “water-based” and “glycerin-free,” or products that are safe for sensitive skin. When it comes to condoms, opting for unscented and unflavored ones is a great choice for maintaining vaginal health.
Speaking of condoms, there’s solid evidence that using a barrier method like condoms and dental dams can help reduce the chances of recurring bacterial vaginosis. Research shows that consistent condom use can help keep your vaginal microbiome healthy by limiting exposure to semen and other unfamiliar bacteria. Studies found that women who regularly used condoms during sex had a lower risk of recurring BV compared to those who didn't. This protective effect likely comes from condoms preventing the alkaline impact of semen and reducing the introduction of potentially harmful bacteria.
For oral sex, using dental dams can also be a great way to protect your vaginal microbiome from bacteria that could upset the pH balance. While there isn’t a lot of research specifically linking dental dam use to vaginal pH, there is general evidence that they help reduce the spread of bacteria and infections.
Manage stress
Easier said than done, we know. Stress doesn’t just impact your mental and emotional health — it can also disrupt your body’s delicate balance, including your vaginal pH. Research has found that women experiencing high levels of stress are more likely to develop bacterial vaginosis.
When you experience stress, your body releases cortisol, a hormone that helps regulate your response to challenging situations. While short-term cortisol spikes are normal, chronic stress can cause prolonged elevations, which may weaken your immune system. A less robust immune response can impair your body’s ability to maintain a healthy vaginal environment, allowing harmful bacteria to overgrow.
In addition, stress can influence the production of estrogen, a hormone that plays a critical role in vaginal health. Estrogen helps maintain a thick, healthy vaginal lining and supports the growth of Lactobacillus, the beneficial bacteria that keep your vagina acidic. When stress disrupts hormone levels, it can create an environment where Lactobacillus struggles to thrive, potentially raising your vagina's pH and increasing the risk of BV or yeast infections.
Managing stress effectively is not only good for your overall well-being but also critical for maintaining a healthy vaginal environment.
Quit smoking
Smoking impacts nearly every aspect of your health, including your vaginal health. Research has shown that smoking disrupts the natural bacterial environment in the vagina, which can lead to pH imbalance and an increased risk of infections like BV.
Studies found that smokers had a significantly lower proportion of Lactobacilli (essential for maintaining a healthy pH) in their vaginal microbiota compared to nonsmokers.
For smokers, the reduced presence of Lactobacillus bacteria means the pH levels may become less acidic, creating an environment where harmful bacteria can thrive. Smokers are more prone to disruptions in their vaginal microbiota compared to nonsmokers, which could be attributed to the effects of nicotine and other chemicals found in cigarettes (although researchers are still working out the exact reason that smoking depletes levels of Lactobacilli).
Quitting smoking is one of the most effective steps you can take to restore balance to your vaginal flora and protect your overall health.
Have good menstrual hygiene
Poor hygiene isn’t the reason your pH is imbalanced (we want to make that clear), but practicing good hygiene during your period can support your vaginal health.
During your period, the presence of menstrual blood (which has a higher pH) can affect the acidity of your vaginal environment. That’s why BV and yeast infections can show up during or right after your period.
Change tampons or pads regularly to avoid menstrual blood lingering for longer than desired, or becoming a breeding ground for unwanted bacteria.
Take an Evvy Vaginal Health Test
Evvy offers a groundbreaking way to take control of your vaginal health through its at-home vaginal microbiome testing. With Evvy’s Vaginal Health Test, you can learn exactly which bacteria and fungi are present in your vaginal environment (and in what amounts), giving you a clear picture of your vaginal microbiome composition.
By analyzing your unique microbiome, Evvy provides personalized insights and recommendations to help you address imbalances. For example, if your test results indicate a lack of beneficial Lactobacillus, Evvy may suggest targeted probiotic therapy. Evvy can help you work with your healthcare provider to create a tailored treatment plan if harmful bacteria are present.
Eligible users can also get access to personalized prescription treatment programs developed by a provider. In an IRB-approved study, we showed that 83% of participants who went through Evvy’s treatment programs moved from dysbiosis to a balanced microbiome, and 100% reported an improvement in symptoms.
Should I use pH-balancing products?
If you're looking to restore a healthier balance in the vagina, you might consider using pH-balancing gels or suppositories with lactic acid. These products are designed to create a more acidic environment and encourage the growth of good bacteria. That said, there's little evidence that pH-balancing products help restore the vaginal microbiome. While using these products likely won’t cause harm, you're better off focusing on simple, everyday practices to maintain a healthy vaginal environment.
How do I get my pH balance back to normal?
To help keep your pH balanced, it’s important to focus on nurturing the health of your vaginal microbiome. First things first, if you think you might have an infection, it’s a good idea to get it checked out and treated. When it comes to washing, skip the douching and harsh soaps, and just stick to warm water and some unscented soap for your vulva. You might also consider incorporating probiotics, especially those with Lactobacillus, to boost your good bacteria and help balance your pH. If you're sexually active, using condoms can really help too, as they can reduce the effects of semen, which is alkaline and can raise your vaginal pH a bit. Just remember to choose options that are unflavored and unscented. Taking steps to quit smoking and managing stress can also contribute to a healthier vaginal environment. If you notice any ongoing symptoms like unusual discharge, odor, or discomfort, checking in with a healthcare provider is always a wise idea.
What are the signs that your pH balance is off?
Your vaginal pH balance might be off if you've noticed any unusual changes, like vaginal discharge that looks or feels different than what you’re used to. You might also detect a strong or fishy odor, which isn’t ideal. Other things to watch out for include itching, irritation, or a burning sensation when you go to the bathroom. It’s a good idea to take these signs seriously and check in with a healthcare provider or consider taking an Evvy Vaginal Health Test, especially if you notice these symptoms keep showing up.